VPS, 虚拟主机、域名 Offers


Yahoo – 免费.COM, .NET, .ORG 域名, 5 Emails for a year

Yahoo – During this time of uncertainty they are helping businesses get online with a 免费Website, 免费域名、5 Emails for a year* Their 提供 to you Website…

[#CreateFromHome] Namecheap – 节省 优惠98% 域名 (.COM 仅 $5.88每年)- 优惠99% Hosting

#CreateFromHome with Namecheap Content, support,、特价机 提供 for everyone => 优惠信息Link Note:  提供 valid 最低 03:00 AM ET on 三月31 through 12:00 PM ET on 四月30,…

[Spring 2020 Sales] Alibaba Cloud – Get 最高$785 in 优惠券、Deals for Cloud Services

Alibaba Cloud sent us about their Spring 2020 优惠信息 => Get deal here (Sale ends 三月31st) There’s up to $785 in 优惠券 for new Alibaba Cloud users, plus some amazing deals on…

Google 域名 – 优惠20% for New 域名 Registration

About Google 域名 Google 域名 is a internet 域名 name registration service offered by Google. Google 域名 提供 域名 registration (including private 域名 registration), DNS hosting, DNSSEC, Dynamic DNS, 域名…

[黑色星期五 2019] Porkbun – Great Deals on Great 域名

Get unbelievable prices on these equally unbelievable TLDs. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Porkbun! Wishing you、your families safe travels、a happy holiday weekend. When…

Gandi Huge Sale – .COM 域名 仅 $1 for 首年

Get your first .COM, the world’s most popular extension. €1 the 首年. About Gendi.net GANDI.net was one of the first 域名 name registrars approved by ICANN for .COM, .NET, .ORG, .BIZ,…

CenTex Hosting Promo – 70 % off Shared Business Hosting on 十二月2018

Holiday Hosting Savings CenTex Hosting is a Texas based business, they work hard to take care of our customer’s needs. Their goal is to provide an amazing hosting experience for…

Namecheap – 节省 优惠50% on 流量ring .COM, .ORG、.NET 域名

Save 最高50% in Namecheap 流量 Sale For three days only, starting 六月26 (12 AM EST), you can 节省 50% on 流量ring your .com, .org and .net to Namecheap, and 24% on your .io. Plus, with 优惠50% the 首年…

Namecheap cheapest TLD – lifestyle, Business & Finance 域名 Name for $0.48

Namecheap – Bring your interests to life with one of our great new 域名. Each of these 域名 is only $0.48 for one year, or full five years for just $5.58! Each…

NameCheap – Happy Birthday .xyz! – 域名 .xyz registrations 仅 $1 首年

NameCheap offer new .xyz registrations 仅 $1 for the 首年. Renewals will be可用 at regular price. Regular price is $10.88每年. Happy Birthday .xyz! (NEW) Today, .xyz is celebrating 4…

Namecheap – Register your .APP 域名、get a 免费PositiveSSL certificate

Namecheap – 限时 OFFER: 免费PositiveSSL with every .app purchase until 六月8, 2018! Get your .app 域名 with 免费SSL today! There’s been quite a buzz lately around the…

[Move Your 域名 Day 2018] Namecheap – 域名 流量 仅 $3.98

Namecheap 优惠券 in Move Your 域名 Day 2018 What is Move Your 域名 Day? 2012年, the Stop Online Piracy Act nearly passed. SOPA proposed that owners of intellectual property…

Exabytes –圣诞节 & Year End 2017 Sale – $3.99 for .COM – Hostings @ $12/ year

Backed by 16 years of solid experience, Exabytes powers its 75,000 worldwide customers (from individuals, small、medium sized businesses, to government、public listed companies) with the 3 most…

Register.it – Get .COM 域名 Name For 仅 0.9€

Register.it is a famous 域名商家, they are promoting 域名 name registration .COM, .INFO, .IT, .EU just 0.9 €. This price is equivalent about $1 USD only. + €0.9 .COM…

Name.com – 域名 Happy Hour Sale- 仅 $0.99 .COM/.NET

Name.com sent mail to me about their 域名 提供 – A 域名 Happy Hour Sale A 域名 Happy Hour Every Thursday at 3 p.m. John Rupp (we’ll get to him in…

Namesilo 钜惠 on first-year registrations of .site, .online,、.tech 最低 $1.99

Namesilo offers  钜惠 on first-year registrations of .site ($1.99), .online ($2.99)、.tech ($3.99)! They have also reduced the renewal price of each. 点此购买 They are currently running the following 优惠信息:…

INIZ – Get your .UK 域名 for just 1英镑 for 首年 – No limits

最低 INIZ’s Twitter Page: For a 限时 this 九月 INIZ offer your .UK 域名 for just 1.英镑 + Get Your .UK 域名 Here: https://iniz.com/ .uk is the Internet country code…

To celebrating the 1-year birthday of the .online TLD – 无限 first-year registrations for just $0.99!

.online is a delegated TLD in ICANN’s New gTLD Program. The proposed application succeeded、was delegated to the Root Zone on 16 三月 2015. It entered EAP on 八月19,…

Rebel.com – Grab a .CO 域名 for 仅 $2.99USD

Launch your next big idea on a .CO 域名、节省 90%! + Offer expires 30/09/2016 + Save on your 首年. + Max 5 per customer. + Premium 域名…

MyServerPlanet – com, .uk, .co.uk、.net – $2.73每年 限时 offer

MyServerPlanet Ltd – At a 限时 only, you can get the following 域名 for 仅 $2.73每年 plus the VAT of your country! + 优惠券 1: WYW0MY8B8I + 优惠券 2: A9AL2IYBJY…