About GigsGigsCloud GigsGigsCloud.com is a service extension from GigsGigs.com which operating the business since year 2004. GigsGigsCloud.com is part of the services offered byTechAvenue. TechAvenue International Ltd, is a technology company…
MyServerPlanet started 2014年 – with ten years experience within the Hosting industry, their highly experienced technical team can manage your query almost instantly. Their VPS solutions are affordable、easy…
Vultr excited to announce their 15th location – Singapore! This new location includes all the great features you’ve come to expect from the standardized Vultr platform – rapid deployment – high…
AboveClouds is a registered business in the UK with registration number 09779287. They provide 高性能 Pure SSD 云服务器 for Businesses、Individuals. The AboveCloud virtualization platform is powered by +…
About BaCloud Bacloud.com – OWN 数据中心 operator in Lithuania, 欧洲Configure servers follow your needs! 节省 17% on annual payments! + 数据中心 operator since 2002 + 10 years…
HostMada have a 50%折扣可用 on all VPS at our 洛杉矶 数据中心 for all new services, new clients、current clients!
Hudson Valley Host 提供 WordPress VPS for 限时 only, receive 优惠25% WordPress Hosting Product. Each of our WordPress VPS nodes is equipped with a minimum of 32GB…
KVM based VPS with dedicated CPU, Memory、Disk resources. These systems are designed where you need to be able to thrash the CPU 24×7 without risk of being suspended…
New email deals from NodeServ to 野猪优惠码 Team You are receiving this email because you are a current or past customer of NodeServ, LLC. We hope all of you had…
INIZ currently working on expanding their OpenVZ.io offering、have new套餐 &位置. They now have our first APAC location in Singapore. 特价机 launch offer可用 for a 限时, get 25%…
FtpIT offering the following 优惠信息al deal. Their OpenVZ is a container-based virtualization technology for Linux. OpenVZ creates secure, isolated containers on a single physical server to ensure better server utilization、that…
To celebrate newest location, HostManda have a 15% 永久折扣可用 on all OpenVZ VPS at their 香港 数据中心 for all new services, new clients、current clients! 优惠券…
MikroVPS has sent in these exclusive 提供 优惠50% Xen PV or HVM VPS. These 提供 are all located in Budapest, Hungary. Services are provisioned on HP nodes operated by…
Virtual6 provide a range of VPS (Virtual Private Servers) powered by KVM technology、Promox VE 4. Their server cluster or “Cloud” consists of super fast 6Gbps HDD storage, dual stacked…
Ramnode giving away 终身优惠10% on any 新客户 or upgrades. This offer is可用 in all their 5位置: 纽约, Atlanta, Seattle, 洛杉矶,、The Netherlands….
The National Day of Singapore is celebrated every year on 八月9, in commemoration of the Singapore’s independence from Malaysia in the year 1965. Safehouse Cloud would like to celebrate…
TMZHosting was founded on 十月12, 2007. They started to provide VPS, shared 虚拟主机、分销型虚拟主机 services on www.tmzhosting.com.、they started to offer pure SSD virtual servers 2016年….
About Dedistation DediStation is an enterprise VPS商家 offering Layer 4/7 DDoS防护 VPS’s through Voxility. Their servers are located in伦敦 Docklands, allowing us to offer great connectivity to…
FtpIt is a privately-held professional hosting company founded in Ohio, 美国. They are a leading商家 of un-managed VPS. Today, they has sent some 提供 in 3位置: 洛杉矶, Tampa…
As always, they offer their VPS on SSDs, so they guarantee the best possible performance for your VPS server, you can finally compress or make a backup、to keep working on your…