VPS, 虚拟主机、域名 Offers


mrVM.net – $4每年 OpenVZ VPS Deals on EU & 美国

Here is the latest offer from mrvm.net、some updates. mrvm.net offer 50% on shared/reseller/NAT products. !!Today only!! 优惠码: 3LU7KLX76O NAT VPS 提供 Features – Virtualizor Powered – VPS Control…

Dediserve – 1GB RAM/ 25GB SSD/ 特价机 KVM VPS 仅 €5 EUR每月 –圣诞节 Deals 优惠50% 优惠券

Dediserve is a global cloud infrastructure as a service商家 – They offering 特价机 KVM VPS on 多机房. They are an OnApp/KVM based cloud商家, utilizing HPE C7000 blade infrastructure coupled…

Spartan Host – 优惠30% 优惠券 Storage KVM VPS 最低 $3.50/mo! Now 优惠40% (updated)

About Spartan Host Spartan Host is the cheapest minecraft host solution for all your minecraft hosting needs! They also provide KVM VPS, Storage KVM VPS With Minecraft servers starting 最低 just $2.50…

SpeedyKVM – 优惠50% KVM SSD VPS when paid 年付 – Get 优惠50% Vdedicated

SpeedyKVM is a sister company of Incero that provides KVM servers with high amounts of RAID 10 SSD storage, RAM, and核CPU. 优惠券: TWIT 优惠25% 永久 on…

SSD Nodes – RAID 10 SSDs VPS with Direct Engineer Support – Get 8GB内存at $6.99每月 for life!

About SSD Nodes SSD Nodes is 商家 of on-demand datacenter services, specializing in reliable, 高性能 cloud computing、独服. They use the fastest enterprise SSDs in our SuperMicro…

SimpleNode – 特价机 OpenVZ & KVM VPS 最低 $30每年

SimpleNode is primarily a Minecraft game hosting company who expanded to VPS in 八月2012. They are running on the latest hardware. They use HW RAID10、Xeon CPUs to…

Hostodo – 达拉斯 KVM 最低 $30每年 – 亚洲优化线路 IPv4 now可用 in 洛杉矶, CA

Hostodo.com open new location: Dallas. They are now offering KVM virtual servers in this location: 优惠25% any套餐、some 特价机 coupon. You can order 512MB KMV only $30每年. 亚洲优化线路 IPv4 now…

NexHost Egg – Cheapest KVM VPS 256MB内存最低 $3.5 USD 年付

Cheapest KVM VPS in LA Egg is budget KVM VPS. These cheapest KVM VPS are located in 洛杉矶, California & Dallas, Tx. This is hidden 提供 on NexHost Website.

BoltVM – 优惠30% KVM VPS + 免费DDOS防护 in 4 US位置

About BoltVM BoltVM is a DediCube LLC. DediCube LLC is a premier商家 of affordable 独服. Founded in 四月of 2014. They launch Native DDoS防护 KVM VPS in Dallas,…

BudgetVM – Budget OpenVZ & Xen VPS starting at just $25 a year or $3.99 a month!

BudgetVM is a leading商家 of hosting、virtualization solution. They provide their customers with an advanced tools to deploy, manage、maintin thier products、services. This coupled with their strategic relationships…

Prometeus 提供 – iwStack, BIZ XEN, XenPower VPS in Dallas

Prometeus, they have some offers, vps 优惠券 in Dallas, for iwStack 新客户, BIZ Xen, XenPower Services in 达拉斯 iwStack 优惠券 IWS0815 优惠10% on any 新客户 or credit…

Dediserve – Cloud SSD VPS 优惠信息 仅 3.85 USD每月

Dediserve offering a 特价机 Cloud SSD VPS. Most current位置 run Xen, newer Hypervisors are KVM (达拉斯 certainly). Price is excluding EU VAT where applicable. Offer套餐 1 Intel E5-2660…

DeepNet Solutions – Now in Dallas, 美国! Awesome VPS 优惠信息

Today, I received email from DeepNet Soluttions. They are pleased to announce our new location, Dallas, Texas, United States! This location is powered by the Quadranet network、facility. DeepNet Solutions 八月#8230;

MooseVZ – A new brand of DeepNet Solutions with Budget VPS 最低 $5.5每年

MooseVZ is a new brand of DeepNet Solutions Division. They have datacenter in 4位置: Los Angles, Montreal, 迈阿密、达拉斯 Tx (coming soon) All our MooseVZ VPS will be power…

Impact Shared – 优惠50% 永久 cPanel SSD 虚拟主机

Impact Shared provides the ultimate 虚拟主机 experience at just a fraction of the cost. Impact Shared is the product of Subnet Labs LLC, a rapidly expanding、高性能…

Letbox offer $15每年 Unmetered VPS with 40Gbps DDos防护 in Dallas

LetBox specializes in bringing secure, reliable,、friendly hosting to a new level. They Pleased to announce their new Location at 达拉斯 along with 40Gbps DDOS Mitigation. Offer套餐 512MB VPS 20…

Prometeus restock Xen VPS Speical套餐 & XenPower in 达拉斯 美国

Prometeus restock 达拉斯 VPS套餐 on 六月 2015. Prometeus offer a wide range of virtualization services: from the advanced solutions designed for business users to the more affordable budget VPS. Dallas XEN…

Prometeus 18th anniversary – 18%折扣 优惠券 on iwStack Cloud VPS

From IperWeb’s Twitter: Prometeus 18th anniversary! Use …. for a 18%折扣 on iwstack、most vps. Checkout our new VZ套餐 About iwStack Cloud Services: iwStack – KVM Cloud instances 最低…

PeakServers – OpenVZ 最低 $15/y – SSD VPS 最低 $4.95 – KVM 最低 $6.99

PeakServers is a rapidly growing Virtual、Cloud service商家,  providing managed services with 100% uptime at affordable prices. VPS Features 100% 正常运行时间保证 SolusVM 控制面板 Cisco Powered BGP…

IP Systems Limited – 20%折扣 OpenVZ VPS – Dallas

Note: ipsystemsltd.com dead IP Systems here with another offer, this time with 优惠20%! 优惠信息 are valid for the first 200 orders. VPS套餐 VM-512 特价机 512MB内存64MB vSWAP(高速虚拟内存) 5GB…