Dediserve launches in Toronto, Canada. Canada is a recognized world leader in privacy legislation so whether your business is targeting the Canadian market or whether you are an international company targeting the US market.
They have a 特价机 deal with 优惠50% Cloud VPS.
优惠50% 优惠券 for life
+ For每月 Payment: 1O4A7XEEINN
+ For 年付 Payment: OhCanada!
Note: discount on this platform until 1700GMT, Friday the 13th of 十一月2015.
The 优惠信息code can apply for all位置: Dublin IE, London UK, London City UK, Amsterdam NL, Vienna AT, Frankfurt DE, Toronto CA, Buffalo 美国, 芝加哥 美国, 达拉斯 美国, 洛杉矶 美国, Singapore SG, 香港 CN, Sydney, AU.
云服务器 Features
- 250Mbps Uplinks, 免费1Gbps Private LAN, Firewalls
- 1.5TB Outbound 流量 per GB of RAM, 免费Inbound
- Snapshot Backup、Custom Template Engine
- 24 / 7 / 365 Comprehensive Support
- Permanent KVM console to all servers
- Global AnyCast DNS Platform
- Comprehensive API, iOS、Android Apps
Toronto 网络信息
Looking Glass: