All of the 黑色星期五 deals listed below will be valid as of 12:01AM CST on Tuesday 十一月25th、will expire as of 11:59 PM CST on Saturday 十一月29th. Each 优惠券 is 仅 valid on the relevant type of hosting service specified (shared, reseller, semi-dedicated,、VPS)、cannot be applied to any existing accounts (upgrades, renewals).
Shared Specials
优惠80% any order for our Super 虚拟主机 plan when you 注册 for a year in advance. Use 优惠券 hawksuperbf
优惠65% any 虚拟主机 plan when you 注册 for a year in advance. Use 优惠券 hawksharedbf
50% 永久折扣 on any 虚拟主机 plan, on any billing term, using 优惠券 hawksharedbfr
虚拟主机 deals are可用 in all位置.
Reseller Specials
优惠80% any 分销型虚拟主机 plan when you 注册 for a year in advance. Use 优惠券 hawkresellerbf
50% 永久 discount on any 分销型虚拟主机 plan, on any billing term, using 优惠券 hawkresellerbfr
分销型虚拟主机 deals are可用 in all位置.
VPS Server Specials
优惠60% VPS plan when you 注册 for six months in advance. Use 优惠券hawkvpsbf
40% 永久 discount on any VPS plan, on any billing term, using 优惠券 hawkvpsbfr
VPS server deals are可用 in all位置.
Semi-独服 Specials
50% 永久 discount on any semi-独服 plan, on any billing term, using 优惠券 hawksdbf
Semi-独服 deals are可用 in all位置.
SSL Certificate 特价机
Secure your website with an AlphaSSL certificate, only $7 每年 using 优惠券hawksslbf
SSL Certificate details can be found directly on our website.
域名 Registration 特价机
Register any new .com, .net, or .org 域名 name for just $5 每年. 注册 using 优惠券 hawkdomainbf
域名 names can be registered directly through our website.