Nextarray – They are excited to offer you a Lease to Own 特价机 限时 Offer on LTO servers! For a 限时 only, you can take advantage of exclusive LTO, lease、eventually own your favourite server equipment at a折扣ed rate.
At Nextarray LLC., they understand that owning a server can be a significant investment, which is why they have made it easy、affordable for you to get the server equipment you need, with minimal upfront costs. Their Lease to Own program is perfect for those who want to enjoy the latest server technology without breaking the bank.
特价机 独服 Offers
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Processors: 2x X5650
Memory: 32GB DDR3 RAM
Hard Drive: 1 x 500GB SSD
Bandwidth: 30TB on 1Gbps Uplink
Rail-Kits: Yes
每月Colo: 12 months
安装费 / Purchase: $50.00
Terms: After paying the deposit of $50.00 you then will owe a $29.99/mo. lease for 12 mo., After the 12 month period you can either continue colo’ing with us or you can have it shipped out. These LTO’s can take 最高5 – 7 business days to deploy. They are not currently racked or built.
Processors: 2x X5650
Memory: 64GB DDR3 RAM
Hard Drive: 1 x 1TB SSD
Bandwidth:30TB on 1Gbps Uplink
Rail-Kits: Yes
每月Colo:12 months
安装费 / Purchase: $100.00
Terms: After paying the deposit of $100.00 you then will owe a $29.99/mo. lease for 12 mo., After the 12 month period you can either continue colo’ing with us or you can have it shipped out.
These LTO’s can take 最高5 – 7 business days to deploy. They are not currently racked or built.