LayerStack sent us their hot 优惠信息. Hurry up、buy it now before it expires!
Mid-Autumn Flash Sale
Please use 优惠码: LS50S008 for 优惠50% 云服务器
S008 Specifications:
- Discounted Price: US$5/ mth, includes:
- 2 vCPU
- 250GB SSD
- 5TB Data 流量
- 1-year Plesk Onyx – Web Pro Edition License (Valued US$213.6/ year)
- Promo Link
Who can entitle the 优惠信息?
New LayerStack Customers
How to join the 优惠信息?
Input the 优惠码 “LS50S008” during checkout.
Terms & Conditions:
- “Mid-Autumn Flash SALE” is valid until 23 Sep 2021.
- This offer is 仅 valid to new customers who do not have any purchase record in LayerStack on or before 20 Sep 2021.
Also you can use 优惠码: LSRF1510 for 优惠10% 永久折扣 on All Services!