Interserver would like to present an exclusive 独服 offer.
The AMD Ryzen family is an x86-64 microprocessor family from AMD, based on the Zen microarchitecture. The RYZEN 3600X CPU has 6 cores、runs at 3.8Ghz per core.
独服 Features
- 1GB Port
- DOS防护
- IPV6
- Managed Support
AMD Ryzen 独服 特价机
- AMD RYZEN 3600X (6 Cores)
- 64GB Memory
- 2 x 1TB NVME
- 150TB 流量
- 1 IP Address
- $75 per month
- 点此购买
- Speed 下载测试s:
- Location: Secaucus, New Jersey
About InterServer
InterServer is a leading managed 虚拟主机, Cloud VPS, 独服、colocation商家. InterServer was established in 四月1999 as a web presence商家. Over the years our company has expanded it’s product line to include 独服, colocation、managed services.