Google Cloud Credit for Startups
Get up、running quickly、easily with mentorship, training,、Cloud credits from the Google Cloud for Startups program.
Build your startup with the infrastructure、tools used by Google. The Google Cloud for Startups program is designed to grow with you. Your early-stage startup can take advantage of community events, training,、Cloud credits as you build、scale your business.
Google Cloud Platform Credit Packages
Which startups are excited about can go to to register, Google will review、support you one of 3 packages: Start ($3000 / year), Spark ($20,000 / year)、Surge ($100,000 / year). All three support packages include the G Suite suite, access to online training、materials, a package worth $500 from Qwiklabs
Qualified startups
- Have received no more than a Series A funding round
- Are less than five years old
- Are based in an approved territory
- Have not previously received Cloud credits outside of the free-tier offering