VPS, 虚拟主机、域名 Offers

ServerHost 黑色星期五 & 网络星期一节日 2023 – 特价机 VPS 最低 $18.75每年

As 黑色星期五 nears, they at ServerHost are thrilled to unveil some extraordinary deals for Linux VPS solutions. Tailored for the discerning tech enthusiasts of this community, these 提供 embody our commitment to high-quality, cost-effective VPS.



Servers at Serverhost.com feature dual Intel Xeon E5 CPUs, providing stable、efficient performance. They are equipped with 256 GB of RAM, capable of handling substantial workloads smoothly. For storage, we offer two configurations: 2x 4 TB NVME drives, ideal for those requiring fast access、data防护 for our NVME VPS套餐,、8×1 TB SSDs, designed for a balance of speed、redundancy for our SSD VPS套餐.


For  SSD-based VPS solutions, Serverhost.com proudly 提供 a range of strategically located servers. These include Buffalo, 纽约; 芝加哥, Illinois; Dallas, Texas;、洛杉矶, California in the United States. In Europe, we extend our reach to Amsterdam, Netherlands; Frankfurt, Germany;、Warsaw, Poland.

For those seeking NVME-based VPS, Serverhost.com provides options in two key U.S.位置: Buffalo, 纽约,、洛杉矶, California.

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