黑色星期五 week 🎊 最高70% additional折扣 🎁
The online storage service 1fichier.com is proposed by DStorage SAS.DStorage SAS, independant Internet operator, propose services in information technology. They propose 独服 services, IT solutions, Internet Transit, …
Don’t miss the 黑色星期五 week 提供 until 网络星期一节日 ! 最高70% additional折扣, directly on the website !
[ Promo Link ]
Premium Features
- Secured access by SSL encryption
- 无限 shares
- No advertisements
- No captcha
- No waiting time
- 无限 downloads
- 无限 speed
- Concurrent downloads
- Inline feature
- Access to Premium networks
- Folders shares
- Security features
- Access statistics
- Remote Upload
- Upload by FTP
- IP or host authentication
- Download managers
- Resume downloads
- 无限 hot storage
- Cold storage included : 2TB*
- 最高300GB per file
- 100GB of CDN credits per month
Cloud Storage Plan & Features
CDN Offer
Propose your contents over direct access
Billing on the volume of transmitted data
All kind of professional usages
Best price / quality ! (€0,02/GB – Amazon S3 > €0,04/GB)
Does it mean if i pay for one year they will give me another year ??