VPS, 虚拟主机、域名 Offers


ExtraVM – 特价机 VDS 提供 in Dallas, Texas – 16GB RAM, 2x i9-9900K Cores, 100GB NVMe 仅 $16每月

ExtraVM sent us an offer! 特价机 16GB内存VDS in Dallas, Texas, 仅 $16每月! Their offer: Intel VDS 特价机 (美国) 16GB DDR4内存2核CPU (i9-9900K) 100GB NVMe SSD 4TB…

GigsGigsCloud introduce Virtual 独服 (VDS) in 香港

Virtual 独服  (VDS) provides Dedicated Resource (CPU Core ,内存and Hard Disk)  to customer .  It is for those customer that looking for dedicated resources, but do not…