VPS, 虚拟主机、域名 Offers


Inception Hosting – Virtuozzo 7 VPS 最低 €24每年 – Docker ready – 优惠50% & Double Disk

The first Inception Hosting Virtuozzo 7 node is live, it ran through a beta test problem free, after going live they have had a few people running Docker that have…

CloudJiffy – VPS Cloud Platform For Developers – 14 day trial free

CloudJiffy – Belongs to Next Generation cloud services商家 which combines PaaS、Containers. Signup for your 免费14 day trial here – https://cloudjiffy.com/ CloudJiffy main features Based on Virtuozzo 7…

SSD Nodes – Virtuozzo 7-Powered Servers – Get 8GB内存at $5.49每月 for life! Full Docker support

SSD Nodes Virtuozzo 7-powered servers are here. All our pricing stays the same for the life of the server,、we stand behind our service with a 14-day money back guarantee. 特价机…

RunAbove OVH launched a new lab Docker with Mesos Marathon – 免费managed Public Cloud instance

Docker with Mesos Marathon Docker is now a standard containerization solution. It uses multiple technologies, like control groups、namespaces, to isolate your application. Marathon is an Apache Mesos framework…